VESTRY MEETING PART 1 (MINISTRY): Sunday, January 24, 2016
9 am. Joint Morning Prayer (our whole parish family)
9:40 am. Vestry in Upper Parish Hall
12 noon: Eucharist & lunch (provided) in Upper Parish Hall
1 pm. Departure
VESTRY MEETING PART 2 (FINANCIAL): Sunday, February 28, 2016
Timing and other details to be provided.
The timing for the Sunday services will change in order to make our annual Vestry meeting more efficient, productive, celebratory, and inclusive. We also want to be mindful of afternoon time commitments and recognize the needs of families with children to feed and care for.
Therefore, we will have a single, shortened Morning Prayer service at 9 am. Children will begin in church with Children’s Focus, go to Sunday School, and rejoin us upstairs in Vestry where they will be able to work on the banners we will use at the baptisms later this month. We will finish Vestry by noon, then share a midday meal together (provided), beginning with a celebration of Eucharist in which we can all participate actively.
There will be two Vestry meetings this year: one to look at our ministry here at St John’s and to elect wardens, parish council, etc., and a second one to examine the finances and budget. Because of the timing of the Episcopal election, and needing to elect our lay delegates to synod for this, we are having the first meeting (ministry) on January 24, and the second (financial) on February 28 when all the numbers have been received and entered.
The January 24 Vestry meeting will focus on our shared ministry, celebrating the accomplishments of 2015, recognizing where we are right now, and looking forward expectantly to what we plan for 2016.
Each one of us is an important member of this parish family. See you all there!