The Revd Canon Dr. Preston Parsons


After working in youth and camping ministry in Winnipeg and Northwestern Ontario, Preston began his training for the priesthood in Berkeley California in 2001. After his ordinations in 2004 and 2005, Preston served as a hospital chaplain in Sacramento, California; not long after, he was appointed to St. Mary Magdalene, a multi-cultural parish in the south end of Winnipeg. In 2012, Preston moved to England, where he pursued a PhD in Christian Theology at the University of Cambridge, while serving as Priest Vicar at St. John’s College, and Director of Studies at Westminster College.

Preston moved to Waterloo in 2017 with his wife, Karen Sunabacka, who took a position as Associate Professor of Music at Conrad Grebel University College.

Angus Sinclair

Music Director

Angus is a well-known freelance organist and pianist in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. He was accompanist of the Three Cantors from 1997 to 2016; together they raised well over $1 million in aid of the Huron Hunger Fund/PWRDF and produced several CD recordings and performed over 250 concerts. Together they received Honorary Senior Fellowships from Renison College and Honorary DD degrees from Huron University College. He holds an Honours B.Mus. in organ performance from Wilfrid Laurier University (1981). As an organist and music director, his appointments included St. Paul’s Cathedral London Ontario, St George’s Middlesex Centre, and the Blyth Festival Singers. Angus has written a number of compositions, in several different genres.

The Venerable Ken Cardwell

Assistant Priest

As an Honorary Assistant Ken assists with worship services and preaches on occasion. Ken is a graduate of Hamilton Teachers’ College, McMaster University, and Huron College.

Ken retired in 2003 after 34 years as a parish priest in the Dioceses of Niagara, Keewatin and Moosonee. He also served as Archdeacon of Brock. For ten years after retirement Ken served in a number of Interim Ministry positions for parishes in transition.

Ken and his wife Sarah moved to Kitchener in 2013.

The Reverend James Brown

Assistant Priest

As an Honorary Assistant, James preaches and presides occasionally at worship and leads or assists in various short-term projects relating to the mission and ministry of our parish.

Ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in 1991, he has served Lutheran parishes in Stratford and Waterloo, participated in a cross-denominational, trans-Atlantic pulpit exchange in the Church of Scotland during the summers of 2010 to 2015, and was Interim Priest-in-Charge of St. Columba Anglican Church, Waterloo (2019-2020).

A lifelong, self-confessed ecumaniac, James is Chair of the Steering Committee of Christians Together Waterloo Region (successor organization to the Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Churches). He also served people of all faiths and no faith as an on-call chaplain at Grand River Hospital for 27 years.

Prior to ordination, James was a full-time church musician for parishes in Brantford and Kitchener (1971-1989). James and his wife, Paula, live in Baden, Ontario.

The Reverend Dr. Eileen Scully

Assistant Priest

Eileen Scully was baptized at St. John the Evangelist, confirmed, sang in the choir as an adolescent, and was married here. She then went off into some ecumenical wanderings and theological studies before returning to the parish recently as an honorary assistant. She has a PhD in Systematic Theology from St. Michael’s College, Toronto and taught for a time. Eileen works for the General Synod, the national body of The Anglican Church of Canada, as Director of Faith, Worship, and Ministry, keeping office space at St John’s for that work during the week. She works principally in liturgical development, helping to create resources for worship, including new liturgical texts, and connects with Anglicans across the country in networks to support ministry and Christian formation. She was ordained deacon in 2009 and priested in 2010.