Born of Light: Baroque Music of Advent and Christmas
Sunday, December 4, 2016, 4 p.m.
Schütz, ‘O lieber Herre Gott’
Telemann, Cantata 1074, ‘Machet die Tore weit’
Vivaldi, Magnificat in G minor
J.S. Bach, Cantata 133, ‘Ich freue mich in dir’
Lauridsen ‘O nata lux’
Katherine Napiwotzki, soprano
Jennifer Enns Modolo, mezzo soprano
Bud Roach, tenor
Richard Hrytzak, baritone
Kenneth Hull, conductor
Regular $25 | Senior $20 | Student $10
Highschool & Under 12 $5
Church of St. John the Evangelist
23 Water St. North, Kitchener, Ont
For more information & tickets, please visit