Once again, our ACW is collecting items for the young women and their babies at Monica Place. Some of the requested items are:
Teething toys, soothers, wipes, diapers (sizes 4-6), sippy cups, educational toys, toddler clothing (12M- 3T) and newborn clothing (newborn-12M).
For Moms: PJs, socks, toiletries, slippers with non-slip bottoms. Gift cards for places such as our local grocery or drug stores or Walmart are also encouraged.
Please place any donations in the labelled box under the Narthex table or in the office. *** Please give gift cards directly to Nancy Chittick or Sandra Roy or leave in the office. A more detailed wish list can be found on either the Narthex table or the table outside the Upper Parish Hall. Items will be collected until October 29. Thank you in advance for your contributions.