
3 Items

St. John’s is re-opening for in-person worship!

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Welcome back (or welcome for the first time) to St. John’s in-person worship. We’ll continue with “worship from home” live streaming services on Sunday mornings at 10 am. Sunday, 20th December, 10am: Online Livestreamed WorshipSunday, 20th December, 7pm: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Premiering on our Youtube Page. Thursday, 24th December, 7pm: In-person Eucharist, […]

Christmas Greetings to the Community of St John the Evangelist

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December 1, 2017 The season of Advent jolts us out of our mundane, sleepy existence and calls us to expect the unexpected and imagine the unimaginable. The Advent scripture texts invite us to live into the dawning of a new day when swords are turned into ploughshares, lions and lambs frolic together, and the oppressed […]

The ‘T’-word

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Sermon by Ken Hull Sunday, December 11, 2016 There is a word that many at St John’s have grown tired of hearing and tired of thinking about. What is that word? I’ll give you a hint: It starts with ‘T’…and ends with ‘ransition’. While it seems that we’ve been talking forever at St John’s about […]